'A book is a gift you can open again and again.'
Garrison Keillor
Reading and communication are central to the curriculum at St Benedict's Catholic Primary School. The aim of our curriculum is to provide an engaging and inclusive experience throughout the school, so that all children are able to read fluently, expressing their ideas and feelings clearly to others. We endeavour to provide a curriculum that is broad, varied and engaging, offering experiences through quality texts, drama, trips, author visits, role-play and discussion.
All children at St Benedict's Catholic Primary School have the opportunity to learn Reading, which:
- is taught in a language rich environment that promotes a culture of reading
- is consistent in the approaches to teaching reading, as they move through the school
- supports children in developing a love of reading that not only allows them to access all areas of the curriculum, but develops reading for pleasure
- teaches children to value and use books as a basis for learning, pleasure, talk and play
- teaches children to read fluently and widely and supports them to express preferences and opinions about the texts they read
- supports children in developing a wide vocabulary
- fosters in children the confidence, desire and ability to express their views and opinions both orally and through their writing
- values and celebrates diversity in culture and language
Individual reading
In EYFS and Year 1, phonics reading books are given to pupils to read and practise at home and are closely matched to their phonics knowledge. They are also given a picture book to take home and share with their families. In Year 2, children take home a banded book and are listened to individually by an adult at least once a week. Children read banded books until they are assessed as sufficiently confident to read the free-readers. All children have a reading record book. In EYFS, Y1, Y2 and Y3, parents and adults record reading progress; in Year 4-6, children complete a reading review once they have completed their books. We have a good stock of books in each classroom.
Shared reading
In KS1, Shared reading is taught in small groups in Year 1 and whole class format in Years 2-6. Each lesson has a clear assessment focus and is closely linked to the VIPERS reading skills. These sessions take place three times weekly. Children record their responses in their Shared Reading books.
Reading for pleasure
In all classes, teachers read aloud daily. A range of whole class texts to be enjoyed as read-alouds have been planned across the school to ensure progression, diversity and a range of authors. Teachers often supplement this with other poems and texts of their choice. We also subscribe to Reading Rocks, a company which sends fantastic quality and newly published texts from a range of authors each half term. These books are shared in a Reading Assembly each half term by the English Lead so that all children are introduced to the new texts. In EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2, these picture books are sent home in a cloth bag with a reading buddy so that children get the chance to share a picture book at home. In Key Stage 2, these books are added to the classroom book stock and enjoyed by all children. A Reading Rocks newsletter is also sent home to parents termly to update them with newly published books. Each class visits Midsomer Norton Library (or the Mobile library visits us) each half term to enjoy a story session and borrow a new book
Subject Progressions