Sports & PE
We follow the Inspired Schools Programme for our PE sessions and we are lucky to have our Sports Coach, Mr Syvret in to both coach the teachers and to lead sessions. The children do a mixtures of sports throughout the year, including gymnastics, orienteering and Multi-skills.
Children in KS2 also go swimming each year at Dragonfly Leisure in Midsomer Norton.
Playground Leaders
At St Benedict's, our Y6 children are trained as Playground Leaders. They lead play both in FS/KS1 and KS2 during the lunchtime break. The children use the Inspired Schools playground markings and their own game creations to encourage all children to be active during break times. We are incredibly proud of our Playground Leaders and we know that the whole school love joining in with their sessions. The leaders are always looking for children that are showing skills in perseverance, team work, communication and resilience and they regularly award the Playground Leader Award to those children who have displayed these skills in the sessions.
